发布日期:2025-01-03 18:30 点击次数:200
flow鐨勮繃鍘诲紡銆佽繃鍘诲垎璇嶉兘鏄痜lowed銆俧low鍙綔鍚嶈瘝鍜屽姩璇嶏紝浣滀负鍚嶈瘝鏃讹紝涓枃鍚箟涓衡€滄祦鍔ㄢ€濄€佲€滄寔缁敓浜р€濄€佲€滀笉鏂緵搴斺€濄€佲€滄粩婊斾笉缁濃€濓紱浣滀负鍔ㄨ瘝鏃讹紝涓枃鍚箟涓衡€滄秾娴佲€濄€佲€滄祦鐣呪€濄€? 鎵╁睍璧勬枡 銆€銆€flow鐨勫熀鏈惈涔夊強鐢ㄦ硶浠嬬粛 銆€銆€1銆乫low浣滀负鍚嶈瘝锛屾剰涓烘祦;娴佸姩;鎸佺画鐢熶骇;涓嶆柇渚涘簲;婊旀粩涓嶇粷銆?/p> 銆€銆€渚嬪彞锛歋he tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound. 銆€銆€濂硅瘯鍥炬浣忎激鍙f祦琛€銆?/p> 銆€銆€the flow of goods and services to remote areas 銆€銆€鍟嗗搧鍜屾湇鍔″杈硅繙鍦板尯婧愭簮涓嶆柇鐨勪緵搴?/p> 銆€銆€You've interrupted my flow鈹€I can't remember what I was saying. 銆€銆€浣犳墦鏂簡鎴戠殑璇濃€斺€旀垜璁颁笉寰楁垜鍦ㄨ浠€涔堜簡銆?/p> 銆€銆€Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text. 銆€銆€渚嬪瓙澶浼氫娇琛屾枃涓嶆祦鐣呫€?/p> 銆€銆€the ebb and flow of the tide 銆€銆€娼定娼惤 銆€銆€2銆乫low杩樺彲浣滃姩璇嶏紝鎰忎负娴?娴佸姩;娑屾祦;娴佺晠銆?/p> 銆€銆€渚嬪彞锛欼t's here that the river flows down into the ocean. 銆€銆€杩欐潯娌冲氨鍦ㄨ繖閲屾眹鍏ユ捣娲嬨€?/p> 銆€銆€Constant streams of traffic flowed past. 銆€銆€杞︽祦涓嶆柇閫氳繃銆?/p> 銆€銆€Conversation flowed freely throughout the meal. 銆€銆€甯棿澶у涓€鐩磋皥绗戠敋娆€?/p> 銆€銆€It was obvious that money flowed freely in their family. 銆€銆€鏄剧劧浠栦滑瀹舵棌鏈夌殑`鏄挶銆?/p> 銆€銆€Fear and excitement suddenly flowed over me. 銆€銆€鎴戠獊鐒舵劅鍒板張鎭愭儳鍙堝叴濂嬨€?/p> 銆€銆€Her hair flowed down over her shoulders. 銆€銆€濂圭殑澶村彂鍨傚埌鑲╀笂銆?/p>